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Rubber Mulch
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How much Soft Landing Rubber Mulch ( SLRM ) will you need?

To calculate the amount of SLRM you will need for surfacing, simply enter the length and width of your child's play area below and click "Calculate". Our Depth Calculator will calculate the total Area and the approximate number of pounds (lbs) that will be required to achieve various depth levels. Click "Reset" to clear the calculator and start over.

Lenght x Width

A x B = C or Length x Width = Area [square feet]

Length [ft] x Width [ft.]  = Area  sq. feet

For Soft Landing Rubber Mulch (SLRM)

Coverage to 2" depth would require pounds (lbs)*.

Coverage to 3" depth would require pounds (lbs)*.

Coverage to 4" depth would require pounds (lbs)*.

Coverage to 6" depth would require pounds (lbs)*.

* - To allow for slight coverage variations per bag and the fact that the play surface is not completely flat and may have some dips we recommend you purchase an extra 5% - 10% (ex. 2800 LBS could = 2940lbs to 3080lbs)